Philippe and I actually reworked on the architecture to make it way more powerful. Our first goal was to give PicViz an efficient way to integrate logs and network traffic without going through the PGDL language and various scripts to generate it. These types of input are now automagically integrated and we are tuning the whole thing for even better performance...
We also injected in PicViz a lot of abstract maths to make it a terrific tool to find correlations in multiple dimensions. We want PicViz to assist users to find attacks very quickly.
This work is very exciting, looking at the results we already have. Needless to say that there is a big gap between the Picviz you know and the one we are working on! The GUI has been completely rewritten and is incomparably snappier. We also provide a lot of assistance and interaction to the user.
Parallel Coordinates are now easier to understand and use. We are closer than ever before to the original target of the project : be able to manage and react quickly to attacks at a nation's level and fill the technical gap of a long term SIEM and IDS usage.
Stay tuned!